In a nutshell:
A brand is not just a logo or a name. A brand has an emotional character. It encompasses everything that recipients feel when they interact with your brand through market communication. Brand communication is an emotional-rational construct that forms in the mind through every touchpoint with the brand—whether it’s ads, messages, videos, articles, social media posts, reels, photos, etc. As you can see, brands are complex.
On the other hand, strategic marketing involves planning and communication tools (e.g., advertising) that influence customers to behave as the brand owner desires. However, for marketing to work optimally, a marketing strategy is essential. Without it, ads and communication will be created haphazardly, from ‘idea to idea’—which is the worst possible situation and poses a threat to your brand.
A marketing strategy is a plan that directs the actions of everyone involved in the company’s marketing, including advertising agencies and communication creators (designers, copywriters, influencers, etc.), toward a unified goal.